Parashat Vayechi

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Parshas Vayechi


Yackov Binds Yosef by an Oath

Having reached age 147, Yackov fears he will soon pass away he called Yosef and binds him by an oath to bury him in Mearos Hamachpala in Chevron. Yosef swears by his fathers Bris Milah and then Yackov bows to his son.

Yosef Over Other Brothers

Yosef due to his position as second to king which gave him the power to fulfill his promise. He was therefore chosen over his other brothers who would likely be prevented by Paraoh and the Egyptians from carrying out his will.

Blessing of Menashe and Ephraim

Passing of Yackov

Once Yackov passed away the servitude to the Egyptians began in a minor degree. Although there was no actual servitude at that point, Paraoh began to request that they service him.

Burial in Chevron

Yackov did not wish to be buried in Egypt so his tomb would not become an object of idolatrous worship and that he be spared the suffering of Gilgul Mechilos during the time of Resurrection. He was also aware that during the future Ten Plagues that would afflict Egypt, all its top soil would turn to lice and Yackov did not wish to have this occur around his body.

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