Moshe Rabbenu

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Moshe Rabbenu
Moshe Rabbenu
משה רבינו
1392 BCE - 1272 BCE (7th of Adar 2368 - 7th of Adar 2488)
Moses, Rabenu, Ranneinu
Other Names:
Meaning of Name:
Leader of the Jewish Nation that took them out of the Egypt.

Moshe Rabbanue was the leader of the Jewish Nation and took them out of the Egyptian exile and got them the Torah.


Moshe Rabbenu was born on the 7th (Zayin) Adar to Amram the Levy and his wife Yocheved granddaughter of Yackov who was also his aunt. He was their third child following Miriam and Aharon.


Initially Amram had divorced his wife after Pharaoh had issued a decree for the death of all newborn males, in order to prevent children bringing children into the world if they were to be killed immediately after birth. Amram was considered the leader of the Jews and the rest of nation followed his actions and divorced their wives as well. Miriam who was just three at the time stood up and rebuked her father saying that his decree was harsher them Pharaoh's for three reasons.

  1. Pharaoh's decreed death only on the males but the consequences of Amram's decree also prevented girls from being born.
  2. Pharaoh's decree only effected the children in this world since once their souls came down into the physical world even if for a short time, they would be able to function in the next world.
  3. Pharaoh was a Rasha so it was doubtful if his decrees would last long term, however anything Amrom established would have a much more powerful consequences since it originated from a Tzadik.

Amrom accepted the rebuke of his daughter and remarried Yocheved causing the rest of the Jewish nation to return their wives as well. Around the time of the wedding Miriam prophesied that her mother would give birth to a son that would redeem the Jews from the Egyptians.

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