Rabbi Yosef Ohayon

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הרב יוסף אוחיון

Life:  ? - 26 August 1957 ( כט' אב תשי"ז ) Tiznit, Morocco

Rabbi Yosef Ohayon was a known kabbalist and a dayan in the bati dinim of Itzrar and Tiznit, Morocco. During the day he worked as a merchant and during all free time studied Torah. His concentration while studying Torah was so intense that a number of times expensive objects were stolen from his home as he was immersed in his studies. He had many students who would gather in his home to study Torah.



Rabbi Yosef Ohayon was born in Morocco to his father Rabbi Mordachi.


Rabbi Yosef Ohayon was very knowledgeable in Kabbalah, specifically the Practical Kabblah.


Rabbi Yossef Achyan authored 'Avkat Rochel', a commentary on Midrashim of Chazal and 'Imrei Yosef'.

Od Yossef Hai

The Od Yosef Chi foundation was created by Rabbi Yaakov Kohen in memory of his grandfather Rabbi Yosef Ohayon. This foundation published a number of books including a comprehensive version of the Chumash.


Rabbi Yaish Cohen and Rabbi Dovid Suvisa were his son-in-laws.

Kever Rabbi Yossef Ohayon

Rabbi Yossef Ohayon was originally buried in Tiznit, Morocco. Due the exodus of Jews from the area the plot where Rabbi Yossef Ohayon was buried fell into ruin and was in danger of being destroyed. His descendents led by the Od Yosef Chai foundation received a Halachic ruling permitting them to move the Kever. In 2002 Rabbi Yossef Ohayon was reburied in Eretz Yisroel at the end of the ancient cemetery of Tzfat right near the kever of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair.

Hillulah of Rabbi Yossef Ohayon

The yortzite of Rabbi Yosef Ochayon is on Kaf Tes Av (29th)on Erev Rosh Chodes Elul.

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