Yehoshua ben Perachya

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Yehoshua ben Prachya
Yehoshua ben Prachya
רבי יהושע בן פרחיה‎
Perachia, Prachya, Perachya, Perachiah
Other Names:
Rabbi Joshua ben Perachiah
A Jewish leader in Macabeen times belonging to the second pair of Zugot.

Yehoshua ben Perachya was Nasi and head of the Sanhedrin following the Macabeen revolt, in the latter half of the 2nd century BCE. Together with Nitai HaArbeli who served as Av Bais Din, they formed the second out of five pairs of Zugot. They were both students of Yossi ben Yoezer‎ and Yossi ben Yochanan.Yehoshua ben Perachya's leadership lasted through the time Yochanan served as Kohen Gadoel. When Yani became king and began executing the Sages, Yehoshua ben Prachya fled to Alexandria, eventually returning at the invention of his student Shimon ben Shetach who was Yani's brother-in-law. Yeshu Hanotzri was a student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Prachya, excommunicated by his teacher for improper conduct. Yehoshua ben Perachiah's students included Shimon ben Shetach and Yehuda ben Taboy.


Escape from Yani

When Yani became king he got influenced by the Tzidukim and went on a rampage killing all the Torah Sages. Yehoshua ben Perachiah fled to Alexandria, Egypt with some of his students to avoid getting killed. Shimon ben Shetach, a student of Yehoshua ben Perachya and brother-in-law of King Yani had escaped the massacre, hidden by his sister Queen Shlomtzion. When things subsided Shimon ben Shetach was able to leave his hiding and eventual managed to change Yani's perception of the Sages. He then sent a codded message to his master Yehoshua ben Perachya, informing him the danger had past and it was safe to return to Yerushalaim.

The Message

Shimon ben Shetach wrote "From me Yerushalim the holy city to Alexandria of Egypt, my sister, my husband dwells amongst you and I am sitting empty".


Yehoshua ben Perachya is known for his teachings in the first chapter of Avos. He says "Create for yourself a mentor, purchase for yourself a friend and judge every person to the side of merit".

Create For Yourself a Teacher

Best to steadily learn from one master rather then constantly changing teachers, each who teaches using a different style.

Purchase a Friend

Good to have friends even if it means buying them by spending money on them and purchasing them gifts.

Judge Favorably

If you see someone performing an action that might be negative or can have favorable explanation, assume that he is doing good and not committing a sin.

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