Choni Hameagel

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Choni ha-M'agel
Choni ha-M'agel
חוני המעגל
Choni the circle drawer
Honi haMeagel, Khoni, HaMa'agel, Hamegael
Chatzor, Israel
5th of Iyyar
Pre Tanaic Jewish sage known for ability to pray for rain, slept for seventy years.



Choni Hameagel's had two grandchildren both respected Sages who were also known for their ability to pray for rain. Aba Chilkia was a son of Choni's son and Chanan Hanechba was the son of Choni's daughter.

Kever Choni Hamagel

Choni Hameagel is buried in the city of Chatzor, Northern Israel. His actual grave is in the cave section of the tomb. Since the actual cave is kept locked most of the time a Tziyun was built in the outside room, where people can come and pray. There is an opinion that his two grandchildren Abba Chilkia and Chanan Hanecheba are buried with him in the cave. However most sources disagree and place them either in a cave at the foot of the hill or on top of the nearby mountain.

Hillula of Choni Hamagel

The created yortzite of of Choni Hameagel is on 5th of Iyyar. Chatzor locals come to the Kever to celebrate the Hillulah.

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