Gallery Alexander

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Gallery Alexander
 Gallery Alexander
1898, Poland
Israeli textile company that produces a wide range of Judaica

Gallery Alexander is an Israeli textile company which produces a wide range of Judaic textile based products including tefilin and tallit pouches.

The Company

Gallery Alexander was founded as a textile company in Poland in 1898. It is now based in Israel and all aspects of the production and design process are carried out locally by its dedicated small staff of fifteen. Gallery Alexander probably offers the largest selection of Judaic textile items produced in Israel from tallits and kippot to tallit and tefilin bags.

Tallit and Tefilin Bags

One of Gallery Alexander signature designs for a tallit and tefilin pouch set is an outline of the city of Jerusalem in a circular motif with the word tallit or tefilin written in Hebrew. This design is available in suede or velvet and is very distinctive. Gallery Alexander offers a wide range of other styles and themes to suit all tastes including a crown design which appeals to Cohenim known as the Kehunah (Priesthood) series. As everything is made in Israel, a tallit and tefilin pouch set from Gallery Alexander enables the purchaser to support the Israeli economy.

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