Rabbi Shlomo Molcho

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(Hebrew: שלמה מולכו‎ / Life: 1501 Lisbon - 13 December 1532 / Other Names: Solomon Molcho, Diogo Pires / Spelling: Malcho, Shelomo Molkho )


Early Life

Shlomo Malcho was born in 1501 to a family of marranos in Lisbon, Portugal. His original Christian name was Diogo Pires. Aleady recognized as a prodigy in his youth, Shlomo Molcho's mastery of various languages and royal social bearings secured for him at the young age of 22 a position as scribe in the royal court of Portugal.

Dovid Reuvani

After Dovid Reuvani appeared in Portugal, Shlomo Malcho started experiencing frightening and astounding dreams.

Bris Milah

In his dreams Shlomo Malcho was commanded to circumcise himself. That night he ahead and preformed a Bris Milah on himself with no one around. Despite his almost complete lack of even the most basic elements of Judaism, he awoke from his circumcision with deep and broad knowledge of the Hebrew language and the Holy Torah.

Studied under Rabbi Yosef Taitazak.


His books were not reprinted often.

Sefer Hamefoar

Kabalistic interpretations of the Torah. Talks about the ten Sefirot. This book shows the complete mastery that Rabbi Shlomo Molcho had over the entire Tanach.

Chayas Kanah

Describes visions seen by the author.

Personal Articles


In the laws of Tzizis the Magen Avraham brings down the custom of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho of having the amount of wrapings that total the numerical value of the Shem Havaya. His custom is quoted in a number of other Halachic sources as well.


Yortzite of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho is on the 5th of Teves.

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