Parashat Vaera

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Parshas Vaera is the second parsha in the Book of Shemos and the 2nd week of Shovavim. It contains 121 pesukim. For the Haftora, Yechezkels prophecy to Egypt is read.


Mission of Moshe and Aaron

Hashem resend Moshe to the Jews, this time with the 'four expressions of redemption', telling them they will leave Egypt and inherit Eretz Yisroel. The Jews do not listen to Moshe.

Second Confrontation With Pharaoh

Hashem send Moshe to once again confront Pharaoh. Moshe express his doubts of Pharaoh accepting his words when even the Jews did not. Hashme instructs Moshe how to deal with Pharaoh and the Jews.

Lineage of Moshe & Aharon

A lineage list is given for the Tribes of Reuvain and Shimon, leading up to Levi in order to list the genealogy of Moshe and Aharon.

Plague of Blood

Plague of Frogs

Plague of Lice

Plague of Wild Animals

Plague of pestilence

Plague of Boils

Plague of Hail

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