Shimon HaTzadik

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Shimon HaTzadik was the last surviving member of the Ansh Kneset Hagedola. He succeeded Ezra Hasofer as Kohen Gadol, maintaining that position for 40 years. Shimon HaTzadik is buried in Yerushalaim and his Hillula is on the 29th of Tishrai.

Alexander the Great

When Alexander the Great and his army entered the middle east, they were greeted by the leaders of the Kirites who falsely slandered the Jews, saying each day they would curse Alexander in their Temple. Infuriated, Alexander began a march on Yerushalaim to destroy it. This created great fear in Israel and the entire nation repented, fasted and mourned. When Shimon Hatzadik, heard this he donned the eight garments of the High Priest, and went out to greet Alexander along with the honorable men of Israel and thousands of teenage Kohanim dressed in their priestly white garments.

At dawn the two camps met up and to the surprise of all his generals Alexander rushed forward and prostrated himself in front of Shimon Hatzadik. He later explained that he used to see visions of Shimon Hatzadik leading him victoriously through each battle. Shimon Hatzadik then explained to Alexander that not only do they not curse him in their Temple, they instead pray for his success. Tables now flipped around and Alexander gave over the Kirites to the Jews, who executed them.

Shimon Hatzadik then took Alexander to the Bais Hamikdash allowing him to enter as far as a gentile could. Alexander requested that they build a statue with his form and place it in front of the Alter. Shimon HaTzadik responded that this could not be done but in order to prove the Jews honored Alexander, all cohanim born that year would be named after him. It is from this incident that Alexander a Jewish name.


On three things the world rests, on Torah, on Avodah, and on acts of Kindness.

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