Rav Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari

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Also known as the Saba Kadisha, was the Chacham Bashi. A famous Kabbalist. Composed many sefarim and lived to the age of 115. Would not allow any single men to enter his room and would have them sent away with the message to get married. Was born on 5575 in Constantine in Turkey. In his youth he traded Torah letters with Rabbi Akiva Eger. He passed away at age 115 on Tue 22 of Iyar 5690.

His book include Shalos Uteshuvos Mharsa, shalos Uteshuvos Saba Kadisha 3 volumes. Gidulay Eretz Yisroel on the Karites. ...

Was very carefull to wake up Chatzot each night and cry over the Churban.

When he lived in Safed he would often visit Tiberias in the winters to get away from the cold.

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