Potato Latkes

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(Yiddish: לאטקעס / English definition: Potato pancakes)

Potato Latkes are pancakes made from grated potatoes that are almost always fried in oil. It is customary for Jews to include them in their meals during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.



Plate of lotkes.
Potato latkes or potato pancakes are a traditional dish in many European countries as well as parts of Russia. Over the years they have become a traditional Jewish food especially for Ashkenazic Jews.


Potatoes peeled for cooking latkes.
The main ingredients for potato latkes are most commonly grated potatoes and onions mixed with eggs, salt and optionally flavored with different seasonings. The latke batter is then formed into small cakes and fried in sizzling oil until nice and brown. Many people enjoy eating them together with condiments of sour cream and apple sauce.

Hanukkah custom

Potato latkes are a traditional food eaten in the Jewish home during Hanukah. Being a very oily food it is reminiscent of the miraculous flame of the temple menorah that burned for 8 days using a minute amount of oil barely enough for one full day. Some people specifically use olive oil as a reminiscence of the miracle that occurred with olive oil.

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