Parashat Vayishlach

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Parashat Vayishlach


Meeting Esav

Messengers to Esav

Yackov sent real angels[1] ahead of him as messengers to his brother Esov to the land of Seir, the field of Edom. They were to Esav how Yackov has lived as a guest with Lavan. He had not been made an officer or a dignitary but had remained a stranger in their land, unlike Yitzchak's blessing that Yackov would become a master over his brothers and was therefore not worth hating him since it had not been fulfilled.[2]. Additionally by using the word 'גרתי' which has a numerical equivalence of 613, Yackov was informing Esov, that despite having lived with the wicked Lavan he had kept the 613 commandments, and I did not learn from his evil deeds, therefore he had protection on his side.[2]

Due to all this Yackov had been held up until this point from returning. There he had acquired oxen and donkeys, flocks, servants, and maidservants. He was now sending the messengers to find favor in Esov's eyes.

The angels returned to Yackov, informing him how Esav was advancing to attack him along with 400 men.

Preparations for Meeting

Yackov became very frightened and distressed.

Division of the Camp

He divided the people who were with him, the flocks, cattle and camels into two camps. This way if Esav would come and strike one camp, the remaining camp will escape.

The Prayer

Yackov then prayed to Hashem calling Him the G-d of his fathers Avraham and Yitzchak and reminding Him of His command for him to return to Eretz Yisroel and His promise that He will be good to him. Yockov then described how he had become small from all the kindnesses and truth that Hashem had given him. During his arrival Yackov had crossed the Jordan River only with this staff and now he had multiplied into two camps. Yackov then beseeched Hashem to save him from the hand of his brother Esav since he is afraid that he will come to strike him along with all his wives and children. He then reminded Hashem of his initial promise that he would multiply his offspring to be as numerous as the sand of the sea which can not be counted due to its quantity.

The Gift

Crossing of Yabok

Fighting the Angel

The Meeting

Incident of Dena


Settling in Shecehm

Kidnapping of Dena

The Deal

Vengeance of Shimon and Levy

Bet El

Passing of Devorah

Blessing of Yisroel

Passing of Rachel

Incident of Reuvain

Passing of Yitzchak

Genealogy of Edom

Genealogy of Esav

Genealogy of Seir

Kings of Edom

Chieftains of Esov


  1. ^ Rashi Berashis 32:4
  2. ^ a b Rashi Berashis 32:5
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