Parashat Chukat

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The Red Haifer

Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aharon saying about the statute of the Red Haifer, a commandment with no obvious logic or purpose.[1] Although this can be mocked by the Satan and the nations of the world, it is a decree from Hashem and no one has the right to challenge it.[1] The Jews are take a perfectly red cow, lacking even two black hairs,[1] that is unblemished and upon which no yoke was laid and give it to Moshe. Therefore this first Red Haifer would always be referenced as 'the cow which Moses prepared in the desert'.[1] Moshe is to give it to Elazar the deputy kohen gadol,[2] who will take it outside all three camps[2] where it will be slaughtered by a non-kohen in his presence as he watches.[2] Elazar will take from its blood with his finger and sprinkle it toward the front of the Ohel Moed seven times. In later generations when this ritual is performed outside the Beis Hamikdash in Yerushalaim the kohen is to east of the city and direct his gaze toward the entrance to the Temple while sprinkling the blood.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d Rashi Bamidbar 19:2
  2. ^ a b c Rashi Bamidbar 19:3
  3. ^ Rashi Bamidbar 19:4

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