Parashat Lech Lecha

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Leaving Charon

Hashem to Avraham to leave his land, birthplace and father's house and travel the land that He would show him. Hashem did not reveal Eretz Yisroel as his destination, to make it dear in Avraham's eyes[1] and to give him reward for every command.[1]

Although Avraham had already left his land and birth place of Ur Casdim along with his father Terach,[2], he was now told to further distance himself from there[1] and to leave his father's new home in Charon.[1]

Leaving was for his own benefit and good,[1] there Hashem would make him into a great nation as outside Eretz Yisroel he would not merit to have children.[1] Hashem would also make his name publicized in the world.[1]

War of the Four Kings

Before setting out with his followers to battle the Four Kings, Avraham encouraged his students to do Teshuva.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Rashi Berashis 12:1
  2. ^ Berashis 11:31
  3. ^ Likutay Moharan I, Torah 11
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