Parashat Vayigash

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Parashat Vayigash



Yehuda approached Yosef asking to speak and he should not get angry, as well as comparing him to Pharaoh. He then reminded Yosef how he had asked them they had a father or brother. To which the Brothers had responded that they had an elderly father and a young brother who was loved by their father and whose older brother has died, leaving him as a single remaining child from his mother. Yosef had the requested them to bring him so he can set his eyes upon him. To this they had replied that the boy can not come out of fear of his father dying. Yosef had then warned them not to return without their younger brother.

When they told their father that they can not return and get more food without Binyomin, he responded that he alone survived from Rachel's children since Yosef had disappeared and was surely been torn to pieces. If they were to take Binyomin and misfortune befalls him they will bring his old age into misery in his grave. Yehuda then asked how he can proceed to return to Yackov without Binyomin since their souls are connected he will die.

Yehuda then explained that he personally had assumed responsibility for Binyomin and would be a sinner forever is he did not return him. He then offed to take the place of Binyomin and be a slave in his place so he could return with the Brothers since he could not return and see the misery that would befall Yackov.


Yosef could not bear the Egyptians surrounding him witness his revelation to his brothers and called out asking them to step out of the room. He wept out loud and was heard by the Egyptian and the house of Pharaoh. Then he revealed to his brothers that he was Yosef and asked if Yackov was still alive. The brothers could not answer him because they were startled by his presence. Yosef asked his brothers to step closer and repeated that he was their brother Yosef whom they sold into Egypt. He then told them not to be sad or troubled due to the sale, since Hashem had sent him there to preserve their life since two years had already passed from the famine and there were five more to go where there would be neither plowing nor harvest. Hashem had therefore sent him before them make for them remnant in the land and to preserve it for a great deliverance. They had not sent him to Egypt but rather Hashem who made him a father to Pharaod, a lord over all his household and a ruler over the entire land.

Sending for Yaackov

Yosef instructed the Brother to go and get Yacckov and tell him that Hashem had made him a a lord over all the Egyptians and he should not delay. Let him come and dwell in the land of Goshen, where he can be near him. Yackov should relocate with all his children, grandchildren, flocks, cattle and possessions. Yosef will then sustain them since there are still five years of famine, lest they become impoverished.

Yosef then pointed out that both the Brothers and Binyomin saw how it his mouth speaking to them. They should tell Yaakov of all his honor in Egypt and all they had seen. They should hasten and bring Yackov down to Egypt.

Embracing the Brothers

Yosef fell on his brother Binyomin's neck and wept, Binyamin wept on his neck. He kissed all his brothers and wept over them, afterwards his brothers spoke with him.

Instruction of Pharaoh

The voice was heard in Pharaoh's house that Yosef's brothers had arrived. It pleased Pharaoh and his servants. Pharaoh told Yosef to instruct his brother to load their donkeys and return to the land of Canaan. They should take their father and households and come back and he will give them the best of Egypt so they can eat the fat of the land.

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