Noam Synagogue Safed

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Beit Knesset Noam
Abuhav Synagogue
בית הכנסת נועם
Other Names
Wolfson Synagogue, Saraya Synagogue
Community synagogue in Safed, Israel.

Dovid Yehuda coordinates the Noam Synagogue which meets for morning prayers each day as well as Sabbath and holiday services. It is located in the Saraya fortress of Safed.


[edit] History

Following the War of Independence, the Saraya building, which had served as the administrative headquarters of both the Ottoman Turks and the British governors, became a community center. It served, first, as a center for new immigrants, then as a center for the elderly of Tzfat and finally as part of the Community Center Association of Tzfat. A synagogue operated within its walls througout these years and congregants called the synagogue the “Metzuda” -- Citadel -- in recognition of the fact that it’s location was at the base of Tzfat’s Citadel mountain.

[edit] Renamed

The Yehuda family lived across the street from the synagogue and had attended services at the synagogue for many years. When the family’s youngest son, Noam, was killed in the First Lebanon War in 1982, his father requested that the congregants rename the synagogue after his fallen son.

[edit] Dovid Yehuda

Dovid Yehuda, Noam’s father, became the synagogue’s coordinator. He often leads the prayers or makes sure that someone else has been appointed to lead them in his place. He also takes care of all administrative details of the synagogue as well as all ritual matters.

[edit] Community Synagogue

Saraya entrance.
The synagogue serves the entire community. Congregants come from all backgrounds and traditions, from Hassidic to newly religious to not-yet religious. Dovid Yehuda’s magnetic personality welcomes everyone and many people have continued on to become regular attendees because of his, and his wife Shoshana’s, open and welcoming attitude. The synagogue often hosts bar mitzva and other life-cycle events for people who don’t have a synagogue in which they feel comfortable.

[edit] Visitors from Overseas

The Noam Synagogue hosts travelers who come to services from some of the Artists Quarter hotels and B&Bs. Dovid and Shoshana are both fluent English-speakers and create a friendly atmosphere. Dovid is very learned in Jewish Law and can give a sermon in both languages, bouncing back from English to Hebrew effortlessly.

[edit] Community Celebrations

In addition to regularly scheduled services, the Noam Synagogue serves as a center for Shavouth nighttime learning. Residents come from throughout the city to participate in the learning that goes on throughout the night of Shavouth. Shavouth sessions include talks by Tzfat’s leading rabbis and rebbetzins. In addition, hundreds of people come to hear the reading of the Book of “Echa” -- Lamantations -- in the Saraya courtyard on the night of Tisha B’Av.

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