Sharei Bina Seminary of Tzfat

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Shaarei Bina Seminary
Shaarei Bina Seminary
שערי בינה
Sha'ar-ey Bina
Other Names:
Sha'arei Bina, Sha'arei Bina Seminar for Girls, Tzfat Girls' Seminary
Sharei, Sharay, Shaarei, Binah
English speaking girl's seminary for religious studies in Tzfat.

Sha’arei Bina offers an open learning environment for English-speaking post-high school girls who want to explore their heritage in a small town atmosphere. The Shaarei Bina seminary notes that its location, in the Artists Quarter of Tzfat, allows it to provide a personal environment, individual attention and caring atmosphere.


[edit] Seminary in Safed

Jerusalem has always had a wide variety of seminaries for young women of all ages, but for girls who want to learn in a more rustic and out-of-the-way area, Sha'arei Bina of Tzfat offers a solid program of study and exploration. The seminary presents a traditional viewpoint while allowing the students freedom to discover the beauty a committed Jewish life and home.

[edit] Sharei Bina Student Body

The student body of the Sha’arei Bina seminary is kept below 20 students in order to allow the young women to experience Jewish spirituality and serious learning through an individualized program of textual and conceptual study. Many students grew up in religious homes and want to find their way back to tradition, but are looking for their own path. Sharei Bina support this exploration as it provides a proper framework for the students to search.

[edit] Curriculum at Sharei Bina

Sharei Bina offers an open “Haredi” (ultra-Orthodox) educational model for young women who are looking for their place in the Orthodox Jewish world.

The Sha’arei Bina curriculum includes classic works such as Prophets, “Pirkei Avot” (Ethics of the Fathers) and Halacha (Jewish law) while offering an additional “alternative” curriculum which includes music, creative writing and even yoga. The seminary features a Hassidic outlook but all traditional Jewish philosophies receive attention.

Field trips play a central role in the seminary’s curriculum, allowing students to explore the Land of Israel by hiking, swimming, climbing and traveling through the country. Some popular “tiyulim” (trips) include trips to the Dead Sea, the Golan Heights, Massada, Gamla, the Kinneret region, the Galilee and Jerusalem.

[edit] Location of Sharei Bina

Sharei Bina is located on the edge of the Artists Quarter within easy walking distance of the commercial area of the town, the Old City and the many English-speaking families which host the students for Sabbath meals. The building itself is styled as a home where students have access to the central kitchen, can sit and relax in the school’s courtyard or enjoy their comfortable spacious bedrooms.


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