Yakov Hadad Gallery Safed

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Ya’akov Hadad Gallery
Abuhav Synagogue
גלריה יעקב חדד
Ya-koov Ha-da-ad
Other Names:
Gallery of Founding Tzfat Artists
Exhibition of the paintings of well-known artists who founded Tzfat’s artist quarter

Ya’akov Hadad keeps the spirits of Tzfat’s Artists Quarter alive with his gallery of original paintings which were painted by the founding artists of the Artist Quarter Association of Safed.


[edit] Background

Ya’akov Hadad was born and raised in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter. As a child he wandered around Safed’s famous galleries of the ‘60s and was often called upon to assist the artists with chores and small jobs. He was especially close to one of the best-known artists of the era, Moshe Castel, who maintained a small home and gallery in the Quarter. Castel’s family originated in Castile, Spain, and they immigrated to Israel in the 16th century. Castel himself was born in Hebron. Throughout his life Castel maintained a close relationship with Tzfat, helping to establish the Artist Quarter and staying in Tzfat during the summer months to live and work. Toward the end of his life Castel sold his house and gallery to Ya’akov Hadad with the provision that Ya’akov renovate the property and maintain the gallery as a venue dedicated to Tzfat’s art and its founding artists.

[edit] Gallery

Ya’akov has already renovated parts of the gallery and is in the process of renovating other sections. He exhibits original paintings of Tzfat’s founding artists including Yitzhak Amitai, Moshe Rosenthalis, Rolly Sheffer, Aliza Naor, Yitzhak Frenel-Frankel, Chava Merzer, Shimshon Holtzman, Chaya Schwartz and, of course, Moshe Castel. The gallery is small but visitors can wander into the courtyard outside the gallery and view some of the wooden doors which Ya’akov has painted with the inspiration of the artist Rolly Sheffer.

[edit] Stories

Ya’akov was acquainted with the artists whose works he represents in the gallery. In addition to displaying their paintings he also tells their stories. Many of these founding artists were people who had undergone unimaginable traumas and terrors in Europe before immigrating to Israel. Others lived lively and interesting lives, studying in Paris and joining famous artists collectives of Europe. Ya’akov tells visitors about the artists’ lives, details of which often explain the themes and styles of these individuals’ art. He feels that understanding and remembering the artists’ life stories is as important as exhibiting their famous artworks.

[edit] Gallery

The Ya’akov Hadad gallery is located on Rehov Tet Zayin, It is on the same road as the Rimonim Hotel. It is open daily.


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