Shammai the Elder

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Shammai Hazaken served as Av Beis Din leading the Jewish Nation along with Hillel roughly 100 years before the destruction of the Second Temple. Together they formed the final set of Zugot. Shammai was a student of Shmaya and Avtalyon and founder of the Beit Shammai school of thought. He was known for his stringiness and service of Hashem through Midas Hadin. Shammai is buried in Meron.


Shammai would greatly honor Shabbos and any fitting animal he found during the week, he would set aside for the Shabbos meal. If he then came across a better animal, he would save the second one for Shabbos and only then would he eat the first.

Kever Shammai

Shammai is buried in Churbat Shama, the next mountain after Meron.

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