Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya

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Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya (אושעיא זעירא דמן חבריא) was a third generation Babylonian Amora. He was a student of Rav Yehuda and Rav Huna and a friend of Rabba. Originally living in Naharda Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya moved to Eretz Yisroel with his brother Rav Chananya. He was given the title 'Zeira Dman Chevraya' since he was the youngest of the students in the Yeshiva and to differentiate him from a different Rav Oshiya who lived at the same time.

Once he spoke out against the Nassi

Kever Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya is buried in the cliffs outside Achbara in the ruins of Chakuv based on the testimony of Rabbi Chaim Vital in the name of the Arizal.

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