Rabbi Chananyah ben Akashya

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Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya was a fourth generation Tana. In total we only have two teachings from Rabbi Chananyah; one in Halacha. His second teaching is Agada oriented and is found in the Mishna at the end of Makkot is well known and is quoted daily after learning sessions before reciting the kadish.


Hashem wished to give the Jews much merit, therefore He gave them many Torah and mitzvot, as it is written: 'Hashem desired, for the sake of his [Jews] righteousness, He will make the Torah great and glorious.'

Kever Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya

Rabbi Chananyah ben Akashya is buried in a cave Kfar Chananya along with his wife and many students. There are 25 kevarim in the cave and it is no longer known which specific one belonged to Rabbi Chananyah ben Akashya, although in the past there was a marking. In the vicinity are the kevarim of Rabbi-Eliezer ben Yaacov and Rabbi Zechariah ben Hakatzav‎.

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