Rabbi Nachum Ish Gamzu

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Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu
Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah
Part of Zissil Projects:
רבי נחום איש גמזו
Gam Zu, Gamzoo
Tzfat, Israel
15th of Av
2nd generation Tana and a rebbe of Rabbi Akiva who always looked at the positive side of everything.

Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu was a second generation Tana and a Rebbe of Rabbi Akiva. He was known to always say 'This to is for the best' even when faced with negative occurrences.



9 Kavim

Rabbi Nachum Ish Gamzu whispered the teaching of 9 Kavim to Rabbi Akiva who later handed it down in a whisper to his student Ben Azzai who in turn went and announced it in public. This is the teaching that states a baal keri can have 9 Kavvim poured on him for purification as an alternative to immersing in a Mikva.

Kever Nachum Ish Gam Zu

Rabbi Nachum Ish Gamzu is buried in the Southern neighborhood of Tzfat.

Hillulah of Rebbe Nachum Ish Gamzu

The city of Tzfat created a Hillulah for Nachum Ish Gamzu on the 15th of Av, same day as the created Hillula of Rabbi Yossi Hagelili.

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