Rava the Amora

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Other Names:
Rava bar Rav Yisef bar Chama
28th of Iyyar
A well known 4th generation Amora often quoted in the Talmud.

Rava was a fourth generation Babylonian Amora and a friend of Abaya, with whom he argues many times throughout the Talmud. A student of Rav Nachman, Rava later became head of the Pumpadisa academy after the passing of Abaya and its relocation to Mechuza.

Kever Rava

Rava is buried in a cave in Ovnit, North Israel along with Abaya, Rav Demei of Naharada and a number of other unnamed Tzadikim. In recent times this cave was identified as the cave a little past and under the Kever of Rebbe Yehuda Nesiah a little before the cave of the Sons of Rav Pupa.

Yisroel Meir Gabbai and his organization Ohalei Tzadikim say that based on their research, they are certain the above location is incorrect. Instead they place the Kevarim of Abaya, Rava and Rav Demei of Naharda in a cave inside the army base. This cave perfectly fits the description of Rabbi Chaim Vital both in the number of graves and in the direction of the entrance. This cave was sealed during the construction of the army base and is inaccessible. It is possible to see the estimated location of the sealed entrance through the gate surrounding the army base from a certain spot.

Hillula of Rava

Local residents of the area created a Hillula for Rava and Abaya which they celebrate on the 28th of Iyyar.

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